Kali, the primal one beyond time

Contact for online sessions & personal sessions 
Amandeep Singh 
Coach, Card reader healer & wizai #thewizard #wizard #wizai #healer #aghor #swaradi #anaadi #aman_anadinath_aghori

Shamshan Kali aghor Kali is energy in her crudest form. 

Energy that was in the primal oceans of time & space energy that created all, the immense dark energy of existance itself interacts with a Sadhak in form of shamshan Kali.

Yes Shamshan, where existance ends not just human life. 

Shamshan the most misunderstood term even by our own people.  Shamshan Infact is the ever-present point or genesis or origin of everything, this eternal origin which is beyond the realms of time, space & elements.



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