Mysteries of Ankh

Mysteries of Ankh or original way of saying nkh in kemet. It was said it's symbol of life but it's actually far deeper. It's just like shiv lingam which explains the story of creation & destruction. The story and formula of existence itself.

It shows the following nature's of existence the original octet, the God's the principals of cosmos:

Nu & nunet: nu is original primordial one beyond time & space. It's same as apsu & tiamat which shows the primordial chaos which is beyond time & space. All have came out of this chaos. All creation God's or all dark or anti creation God's or the apep.

Amun & Amunet: is the nature of existence which shows that it's hidden force. Hidden in everything as essence.

Heh & hehet: this god couple is a sacred principal which symbolize eternity. It has no beginning or end. It's Anaadi anant shiv.

Kek & keket: this primordial essence, ancient principal is darkness present everywhere in cosmos. It's driving force behind cosmos. That's Kali the Shakti.

These ancient formulas, these hidden codes like ANKH were meant for humans to understand the core and architecture of cosmic forces. Also, to make it in coded format so that it should be accessible to the chosen ones. For those who can read between or beyond the lines.,

Adoration to
Anaadi anant shiv
Nu ankh amun
Amun Ra
Atum Ra
Ptah Ra

Khepra Ra
Dua banebdjedet
Ya khum
Ya isis Osiris Horus
Dua dua dua

Ave lucifer


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