Sacred Dialogues, Interviews[ Amandeep Singh #SwarAdi]

Sacred Dialogues, Interviews[ Amandeep Singh #SwarAdi]:

These were times when I got opportunity to meet some of old souls, those travelers who have been into this path of Initiated ones.

Amongst such souls is one of my friend Edwards, member of Order of the Golden Dawn. It was an awesome experience talking to him and sharing experiences about meditation, luciferian, natural, chaos based wizardry.

I have been a big admirer of his father's work in book called Transformations. Especially in a chapter where he explains about the sacred agreements between dark & light forces. Agreement of our higher self to act as our lower self as long as it's destined.

Enjoyed 2 Interview sessions with him and yes! It has always been a learning experience to meet such traveler souls.

Also, been a pleasure to be a part of sorcerers guild group where got chance to write occult articles based on Indian ritual mechanics. However, the best of my experiences was to meet goddesses like S medina, Aisha Innana, Georgina etc. from sacred Luciferian groups. I am honored to be a parts of such open minded and intellectual groups as the gnostics & the Luciferians are probably the best groups I found and I am glad so far they have loved my articles on occult and inner arts.

You can find my interviews or my videos on my youtube channel Anaadi #Ancient call of the ancestors or with my name Amandeep Singh #SwarAdi


BT (Edward) introduces a new segment called Indian Magic with Piyu in which she explains Nazar Lagna and Nazar Utarna, then he and Amandeep Singh SwarAdi discuss Sikhism, Tantra, Krishna, Osho, Luciferians, Satanism, Thelema, Golden Dawn, Nagas, Crypto Humans, Lizard People, the Aghori, and many other things.


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