Anaahat naada

Anahat naada

In all the religions there are teachings of the supreme power or god . Many religions would not even believe in the existence of god. Many of these religions would believe in forces of nature , where many of them would believe in pure soul.
All of these things are the same and tell the same thing, in Indian religion a term is used and is very scientific in its own way.

That term is “ anaahat naada”.

Naada means sound, there are two types of sounds classified in vedas and different granths like ashtavakra geeta explains the ultimate truth in its purest form.

They explain that there are two types of sounds----

Aahat naad & anaahat naad , even guru granth sahib also explains that ultimate truth is anaahat naada and only that person can experience it who surrenders itself to the absolute zero , the absolute eternity or infinity.

Aahat naad is a sound which is produced when two things come closer and strike with each other, in science we can see nothing in the universe is stagnant, each atom is shivering very fast they are moving they are creating aahat naada. Music is the purest form of aahat naada.

Anaahat naada is a sound which is produced without and stroke or collision, that is the sound of truth, that’s what lord truly is. Now the scientists are researching on” M “theory and string theory , string theory says that the smallest substance in the universe is a string even atoms are made of strings.

The strings are nothing but a vibration which is going on continuously in the universe without any external help. So, is that the smallest thing in the universe or is that god particle

We would never know but we know that the things that our saints told us in religious books are not completely wrong.

What I have learnt from my gurus and my mother is that Music is a kind of naada which can take us towards the anaahat naada and we can realize the truth.
When a person sits in reazz he/she have to concentrate on the particular swar that we are singing, it is also a kind of meditation.

Classical singers in Indian history have done miracle with music, they have turned music and singing into a divine tradition in which a singer or an instrumentalist dives into the depths of the meditation and reaches a stage where the performers are not performing the anaahat naada is performing through them.

That’s the ultimate goal of a spiritual person or a disciple of music…..


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