Importance of talent promotion

In the world of today, so many good artists are emmerging. so may great singers have came into my contact that i cant say how many of them will get sucess in there lives as artists.

2 weeks ago i was reading an article on promotions on internet people are using different techniques for talent promotion, i thought actually in todays world being highlighted is very important especially talking about an artist or a singer or a musician, now days all good artists are well versed with computers, they are net savy and they know about technology which is being used in music recordings and editing ie. neuendo software & some other softwares are used to edit music , songs. even in mumbai i have seen that they use all technology , such softwares are available that if a person is totally out of tune they can correct him also and bring him in tune......

well i am a musician but i am also a computer technical guy so i know about diffrent ways to promote myself and i am in the process of promoting my self and learning different ways to use my internet & computer skills to promote myself...... there are lot of fatures in google search to optimise the search engine according to yourself an promote yourself you can copy and save the direct links to the search results so that if some on searches with the samekeywords they will get the same results.... youtube has also came with the active- sharing options by which you can actively share your videos to the people who are browing your channel ...or your viedos.

orkut has also came with the promotins option by which you can open broadcast your pomotional videos..... ibibo is very good indian site they have a lot of pomotion options .......infact social networking sites are doing good for promotions and people who want to share different ideas. besides that sending mass mail is always very good option in order to promote your videos to the world.......... so go ahead all artists and promote your slf and apply good markiting stretigies to promote yourself.... to find me on google search (Amandeep Singh #SwarAdi)


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