gurus of today

Gurus of today-----

Hey all,

Now days people associated with the world of the classical music in india are saying a lot of things about the people who are not classically trained and still making there mark in bollywood industry.

I want to ask a question to all the good musicians one thing.
According to my experience and my conversations with my first and best guru in classical and light music (my mother):------
She use to tell me that music industary is corrupted now days I beleave her but never use to beleave her when she use to say there things about the classical singers and gurus…

But now that I have experienced it my self now I do beleave this because my mother Mrs. jasbeer kaur sodhi is very experienced in this field, so she use to make me aware of this field, so that I should remain aleart of these frauds…………

I am, very sorry to use this word for every guru in music but mind it it’s not for everyone who is teaching from the depths of there heart and giving every thing that they can give to there students.

They are doing each and every thing to save the legacy they have got. Many of the gurus don’t give the thorough knowledge of the music or anything they have got. They are just spoiling the time, many of these so called gurus engage there students into there household work, students keep on doing there household work like --- sweeping the floor, washing there utensils but what do they get in return-- nothing , they just get half knowledge and rest what they get is waste of time and money, discouraging attitude of there guru’s.

My question is that if the student is showing so much of loyality towards there guru, is’nt it a guru’s risponsbillity to give there student good knowledge.
Many gurus especially take there students to different places and give make false promises to them that they will give them good music chances in music albums and videos or stages to sing but reality is something different they take good amount of money from there students and forget them.

Is this fair, these gurus keep on saying things about learning music that its very necessary to learnt Indian classical music and people should save this legacy of classical music but when the students come to them they just loot and plunder the wealth and time of there dear students.

In this way who is going to come to these gurus to learn classical music and how are we going to save our legacy.

This incident has happened to me as well, I never use to beleave my mother when she use to tell me about these gurus but now I do beleave . One of my guru made false promise to me and took me to Mumbai and till Mumbai I beared the expense of travelling and all the expences, when we reached Mumbai all the expenses were mine but what he wanted to do is that he wanted to get daler mehdi’s album assignment for himself. Is this what we call being a guru?

I still respect my guru , so I am not going to take his name but I am no longer in his contact now I am learning from my mother Mrs jasbeer kaur sodhi and my guruji professor kirpaal singh ji.

My request to these guru’s is please save the soul of Indian classical music. There are lot of people who wants to learn classical from all of you but if you will be thieves then no one is going to come to learn classical or anything from you.
Good singing is necessary but being a good human is much more important …….


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