Are we real listners of music?

Are we real listeners of music--

as i have posted in my previous blog. the links that i have posted in my previous blog are my songs that i have sung on you tube and ibibo (a talent promoting site). i want to ask everyone that are we real listners of music ?

i have been researching on music i have learnt indian classical music from my nother (a classical trainer), my guruji from jaipur gharana and my guruji professor kirpaal singh ji but what i want to know is that after learning so much how are the people who are participating in these reality shows are getting selected and what is there selection criteria.

we, the peolpe who learn music and people who teach music know that many of there contestants are fake the are following the old singers and are not even following them corrctly but the people who are singing well why are they not getting selected, is this just an eyewash for all the other participants.

i have seen in these shows that when the contestants are performing the producers are watching from the admiin area and they give a slip to the judges to which participant to select.

do you all think this is fair. what is the job of judges if the producers are deciding that who is going to get selected?

and the participants that producers are selecting are those participants who are mostly the students of (Suresh wadekar) or (bhavdeep jaipuriya) both of these people have strong hold in bollwood industary. so what is the significanse of compitition.

so i invite everyone to write replies to my blog and listen to my songs and my music in the earlier blogs.

i want to connect with great musicians who know something about music...

listen good because music is for purification of soul .....


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