The musical jelousy

The musical jelousy --------

Many times I keep on wondering that jelousy ! is it harmful or beneficial in certain situations?

Well if I talk about people who don’t have anything to do in there lives but they cant see anybody growing and being successful in there lives, Very very depressing but that’s human nature.

But people who are hardworking in nature and they understand the importance of time as well , they will not get jelous of anyone and they will value there hard work and others hard work as well…….

As you all know that I am a singer I got to meet so may people in this confusing but interesting industry.

I learnt classical , semiclassical,light from my mother and different gurus since my childhood, done a lot of practice on singing and instruments that I play. I will tell you some incidents which happened with me and then you can figure out what is right and what is wrong.

According to the manners in music when ever somebody sings we always appreciate & we appreciate the person not for good singing , we appreciate the person for the trying to sing, for the active participation because the person who participates learns a lot. But some people don’t appreciate they are looking for a chance to criticize, what about those people? Are they really musical and do they have knowledge of music? Hmmmmmmm what kind of question is that? Huh…………

Now, this is especially for the singers and people who are upcoming musicians in this industry, you will find so may people with so many views on music that you would not be able to judge who is giving right guidance and who is giving wrong suggestions. Many classical trained or light music trained professional give wrong suggestions even in the industry but new guys cant say anything because they want work in music industry.

There was an incident, once I sang in a gathering (a nice mehfi ) . one person told me that my notes were bit out of the scale in every song that I sung, after that he sang a song but I know all the boys who were trained knew that the person himself was singing out of tune and out of the scale.

Looking at the technical aspects of singing, that person said that I should sing at the original scale of the composition… where as a trained and a learned person would know that every person has his/ hers own scale we should sing on our own scale . A learned person like sonu nigam . when I sang in front of him he appreciated me a lot and told me that you have your own style and its good and people should sing on there own scale not on the other singers scale.

NOTE: A songs brightness never fades away when we sing on our original scale , our original scale is a gods gift to us…….. don’t be a copycat of other singers or musicians …. And there is a lot of difference between following and copying.

Another example: in an audition for a reality competition someone told me that I was using vibrato in my voice. I was singing a rafi song at that point of time . Now I have heard him a lot and other singers a lot every singer uses vibrato in there voice in every song……. In fact vibrato is very important for the song that we sing but a controlled vibrato will do wonders for the song. This is also a misconception about singing in many people. Vibrato is not a weakness in singing may known singers even sonu nigam uses a lot of vibrato in there voices.

VIBRATO: it’s the vibration in your voice when you extend a word while singing. Many western classical singers also use it a lot and it makes singing very beautiful.

Now my question is that what to call these people? These kind of people just want to show off there false knowledge to the lay man who don’t know anything about music and impress them . huh……. Those are all fakes. I have such good singers in my life but they are not at all arrogant .

Then why some people show there false knowledge and criticize people when they are doing good in music . This is a sick kind of mentality which is there in music industry ………………………..

Many of you would have seen some people giving taal with there hands ……… when they are listening to the classical music in classical concert. In my experience most of them are the least knowledgeable people about music

But most of the new comers don’t know about these things and when these kind of people give false comments on the new coming singers the new comers feel discouraged by there words……

So , my suggestion to all new artists musicians is please beleave in your self and don’t get trapped in these fake musician’s fake comments when you all struggle in music induatary.

Cheers to all………………… and maintain the soul of music because music is in appreciating not in criticizing.


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